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Smart Ways to Control Paper Clutter

Has your desk or kitchen table become buried under folders, papers and unopened mail? Do you ever feel stressed because you can’t find important papers when you need them? It’s okay.You’re not alone.   The average person spends 150 hours per year looking for documents – that’s almost one month. Think back to when we first brought…

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What burden are you carrying – and how is it keeping you stuck?

There’s a powerful quote I’ve had on my bulletin board for years, and it’s not only a favorite, it’s a guiding principle in my life: “Your playing small does not serve the world” – Marianne Williamson Playing big is about connecting with something larger. What would playing big look like to you? Would you write…

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What’s Coming Between You and a Clutter-Free Home?

Have you ever considered the possibility that your clutter has nothing to do with the ‘stuff’ and everything to do with your mind? Could it be that, without consciously realizing it, you’ve built a wall around yourself with the clutter, to protect you? “You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.” – Andrew…

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Getting Organized During a Renovation

We’ve been in our 1970s home since the summer of 2010. It was in dire need of a kitchen renovation and we purchased it with the intention of doing the renos within the year. But the idea of all that upheaval in the most actively used room caused me to put it off. In case…

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7 Steps to a Stress-free Holiday Season

Does the thought of your holiday to-dos cause you to break out in a cold sweat? With so much to do and such little time, how can we fit it all in? Even though Christmas is still about a month away, leaving everything till the last minute can cost you. A little advance planning can…

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