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Unlocking Self-Confidence vs. Self-Worth: Why It Matters (and How to Cultivate Both)

Is it possible to be self-confident and yet suffer from low self-worth? And why does it even matter? Even though these terms are used interchangeably, they are distinctly different. It’s important to our mental and emotional well-being to understand the difference because it impacts all areas of our lives – health, relationships, finances, career &…

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5 Powerful Ways to Quiet Your Inner Critic and Empower Yourself

We all have that nagging inner voice, the relentless critic that can hinder our confidence and creativity. Taming this internal chatter requires a conscious effort and a set of strategies to cultivate inner peace. Here are five effective ways to free yourself from negative self-talk. 1. Mindful Awareness Begin by acknowledging the critical thoughts without…

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Meditation Mindset Reset Guided by Hellen Buttigieg

Can a Mindset Reset Change Your Life?

Have you ever been in a situation where you initially doubted your ability to perform a task? Perhaps it was new or outside your comfort zone? I remember the first time I went to a Toastmasters meeting. (If you’re not familiar with Toastmasters, it’s an organization that teaches public speaking through a network of clubs).…

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Why Decluttering Doesn’t Always Work

If clutter in your home is a reflection of your mind, doesn’t it make sense to declutter your mind first…and the home will follow? By taking the time to declutter your mind first, you can create a sense of calm and clarity that will make it easier to tackle the physical clutter in your home.…

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Could Perfectionism Be Ruining Your Holidays?

Do you feel more stressed, anxious, even more irritable this time of year? Do you feel pressured to… buy the perfect gift bake the perfect pie set the perfect table host the perfect party If you do, you are not alone. These messages are all around us. Why Do We Feel So Much Pressure Over…

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