Could Perfectionism Be Ruining Your Holidays?

Do you feel more stressed, anxious, even more irritable this time of year?

Do you feel pressured to…

  • buy the perfect gift
  • bake the perfect pie
  • set the perfect table
  • host the perfect party

If you do, you are not alone. These messages are all around us.

Why Do We Feel So Much Pressure Over The Holidays?

In today’s time-crunched, financial strained society, I’m stunned that the media is still sending out the message that the holidays should be perfect and that it’s up to us to make them so.

When we scroll through our polished social media feed, it’s hard not to feel the pressure to compete. But the reality is that many of these homes are staged. They’re not designed to be live in; they are meticulously arranged to be photographed. Expecting our homes to look like a professional photo shoot is unrealistic.

This holiday season, I’m taking a stand against perfectionism and I hope you will join me.

Shift Your Mindset

 I bet you’ll agree that by adopting the healthier mind-set ‘imperfect is the new perfect’, you’ll have a happier holiday and a more joyful year ahead.

3 Simple Ways to Make Your Holidays Less Stressful

 1. Under-decorate

 If you find it overwhelming to decorate every room of your home, just decorate the one or two rooms you’ll use the most over the season and see how you feel. Chances are you and your family won’t miss the extra knick-knacks and you may even enjoy the holidays more because you’ll be less frazzled. You will be especially appreciative when it’s time to dismantle and put away the decorations. Every year, I work towards using more festive items that don’t have to be packed away after the holidays: fresh wreath, candles, bowls of fruit, and fresh flowers. I’m doing this because, despite being organized, I still don’t enjoy packing away the holiday decorations.

2. Accept Help

If you’re hosting a holiday soiree this year, don’t be a superhero – accept help from others. Make it a pot-luck or order in. People feel better when they can contribute and it makes the meal more interesting. While you’re at it, consider putting your kids to work during the event or hiring students to help out. They can take coats as guests arrive, freshen up the appetizer plates and load the dishwasher. They’ll be learning valuable skills and perhaps making some extra money – and you’ll be a more relaxed and joyful host.

3. Make it Meaningful

Rather than trying to do it all, do what’s most valuable and meaningful to you and your family. Connect to what the holidays are really all about – spending time and making special memories with the people you love. Make time for doing fun things together, like baking cookies, going downtown to see the holiday lights and festive store windows, watching a favourite family movie, or going skating at the local rink. An effective way to make time for these activities is to let go of the need to create the perfect home, buy the perfect gifts, and cook the perfect holiday meal.

Perfection is unattainable (especially this time of year), no matter how organized and talented you are. After all, isn’t it about time you enjoyed a holiday that’s a holiday for you, rather than for everyone else? This holiday season, may your mantra be ‘it’s good enough’ and may it be the most joyful, meaningful and relaxing holiday yet.

Here’s a guided meditation I’ve created for you to enjoy – may it bring you a sense of peace.

Happy Holidays my friends!

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