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How to Avoid Traffic Jams When Travelling Down Memory Lane

  Oh, the things that we keep. The other day, I found myself in our storage room, digging through bins and boxes. I was in the mood to get rid of stuff, in my on-going effort to create more breathing space down there (I admit – it’s an obsession). Although I was tempted to go…

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How is juicing like decluttering?

There’s been a lot of talk about ‘juicing’ lately. Probably because it’s that time of year – we are faced with the aftermath of overindulging during the holidays. Although it’s been around a long time, I didn’t know much about ‘juicing’. Since there’s been so much buzz around it lately, I decided to look it up.…

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How to Organize The Messy People in Your Life

“Help, I’m neat, but they’re messy!” Ever wonder how to get those you live with to pick up after themselves? A common question I get is, “How do I make my spouse (boyfriend, girlfriend, children, roommates, coworkers) get organized?” The question is asked by caring, well-meaning, tidy folks. This is why I decided to write…

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Your Purpose May Surprise You

The start of a new year seems to trigger us to evaluate our lives and consider whether we are doing what we were put on this earth to do. Everybody has a calling – absolutely everybody – and it doesn’t have to be earth-shatteringly extraordinary. Not all callings will make you rich, famous or even…

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Cut the Clutter and Save Money

The uncertain economy has caused us to become more budget conscious. One positive aspect of this shift is that we are buying more consciously and less impulsively. We are making serious efforts to reuse what we already have. This will impact our planet in a powerful way, reducing waste in the landfills and clutter in…

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