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Valentine’s Day – Love it or leave it?

As with many special holidays like Christmas and Halloween, there are those that love Valentine’s day – and those that hate it. It’s all in how you look at it and what it means to you. If you love it, perhaps it means romance, and the gifts, cards and fancy dinners that go along with…

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My Wedding Gown and The Law of Attraction

Over 31 years ago, as a young bride, I made a decision that every bride faces…I decided to have my wedding dress professionally cleaned and preserved. How many of you still have your wedding gown sealed in that big, white box with the plastic ‘window’? I know I’m not the only one. Do you have…

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When you lose your motivation to declutter (and how to get it back).

Have you lost your motivation to declutter? Let’s see if I can help you today. Is it possible that you are draining your energy by reflecting on the past or focusing on the future, rather than staying in the present moment? Do you find yourself regretting past decisions, (“Why did I buy that?”)? Or focusing…

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Is Your Old Stuff Really Worth Something?

As 1999 came to a close (and the Y2K bug had people in a frenzy), our family decided to put together a time capsule. So we gathered all the treasures we felt best represented the ‘90s, and packed them in a Rubbermaid container. We labelled it ‘Time Capsule’ and added the warning: ‘Do not open…

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Can Your Stuff Haunt You?

How’s your summer been going? I hope you’ve taken some time to relax and have fun! I spent part of my summer vacation in Key West, Florida with my husband. We went on one of the ghost tours the haunted city is famous for. I’m a fan of ghost tours when I travel because I…

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