How Pruning Will Pay Off For You – In More Ways Than You Can Imagine.


I walked by a big old tree as it was being pruned today, and it occurred to me that it’s like decluttering our homes.

Just as pruning is essential to maintaining the health and beauty of the tree, decluttering is important to maintaining the beauty of a home and the health of the people who live there.

Common reasons for pruning trees are: to remove dead branches, to remove crowded limbs, and to avoid hazards. Common reasons for decluttering are: to remove items we don’t need or use anymore (they’re ‘dead’ to us), to prevent crowding, and to avoid hazards (tripping, fire, mould).

I imagine that as the tree is being pruned, it feels uncomfortable – maybe it even hurts momentarily. I’ve seen clients agonize over letting go of clutter, many to the point of tears. But when the offending limbs are gone, light and air penetration increases – the tree must feel so much better! With the clutter gone, there is more breathing space in the home, and the people who live there feel lighter, freer…like a burden has lifted.

Having trees pruned on a regular basis will ensure they stay healthy and grow to their full potential. Decluttering is also an ongoing process. There will always be new things coming in, so we need to cut back on a regular basis. The payoff is our home will look its best and we’ll be free to reach our full potential.

Some people prune their trees themselves. Others choose to hire an arborist to make sure that it is done properly. You can declutter your home on your own. Or you can choose to hire a professional organizer. Hiring a professional will often make the decluttering process go smoother and quicker.  And your items will be organized in a way that is easy for you to maintain.

When the gorgeous, mature magnolia tree in our backyard needed pruning, we didn’t want to risk losing it, so we hired a professional. It’s an investment that pays off every time we look out our window and see her beauty. When her spectacular flowers blossom in the spring – well, you just can’t put a price on the joy it brings us!

If you are hesitant to invest in the services of a professional organizer, think about what it’s costing you not to. Imagine what it would be like this spring to look around and say, “I love my home”.

What do you think? Please share your comments in the space below.