Time Management

The Gift of Being Present

How often have you taken a picture of a breath-taking scene, only to find that the photograph just didn’t do it justice? I remember taking pictures of the Grand Canyon and being so disappointed after I got them developed (pre-digital cameras). How is it possible that something so spectacular in person can look so lackluster…

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Success and the Dog Walker

There’s a dog walker in my neighborhood and every time I’m out for a walk with my dog, I see him with a different dog. (That’s how I figured out he was a dog walker!) He’s probably in his mid-forties, and must be shy because he walks with his head down and keeps to himself.…

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Hellen Buttigieg sitting on a bench and smiling

How to Choose the Best Calendar for You

It’s that time of year again – a fresh start and a new agenda to go along with it. I’ve been buying the same planner for years (Taylor Planner) and I believe it’s the single most important part of my time management success. One year, I tried using a PDA instead but I was missing…

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