Anything’s Possible

Look closely at this picture and you’ll see that the flower is growing between the cracks of the sidewalk.

What struck me, and prompted me to take the picture, was this flower’s will to survive, regardless of its circumstances.

I thought, wow, if this flower can grow without soil, without being fed and watered, heck, without even being planted (or wanted) in the first place, then anything is possible. You just never know where you’ll find inspiration.

“Once you choose hope, anything’s possible”. ~Christopher Reeve

Sometimes in life we are tested, and we find ourselves in what seems like a hopeless situation. We just can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and it’s so easy to give up. But if this flower can do that, imagine what we can do.

There are so many stories of ordinary people (and animals) that overcame extraordinary challenges and went on to make their unique contribution to the world, and I find them so inspiring. Yet, even this simple flower can provide a powerful message:

If life throws you a sucker punch out of left field and you feel like you just can’t get up, remember this flower. You can do it. Stay determined in spite of any roadblocks that lay ahead and you will succeed.

I believe there is always hope if you have a little faith in yourself.

If you want to see the tremendous power of faith, watch this video of the amazing two-legged dog that runs like a human, as featured on Oprah (warning: bring out the tissues).

Let me know what you think.



  1. Wendi on November 16, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this post Hellen. I have sunk my hopes, dreams and money into this business which is doing really well but I am getting to the point where I need it to produce a decent living. Suckered punched? Oh yea, several times and not just little hits but big, giant gut-wrenching ones. I know that half the battle is perseverance and the second half is hope but sometimes one wavers in the midst of the storm (like I am today) and reading some strong, kind words like your’s today REALLY helps to turn one’s back on doubt. Thank you!

    • Hellen on November 16, 2011 at 2:37 pm

      I’m so glad it spoke to you Wendi. I don’t think it’s an accident that we get a message just when we need it the most. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Syl on December 5, 2011 at 9:42 am

    Hi Wendi,

    Hope things get a little easier for you … making our dream job work can be really hard on morale especially in the initial years. Bon courage… french for keep up the faith and perseverence. I agree with Helen… we get messages when we need it most… keep your eyes and ears open on any tips or opportunities that keep being repeated… it could be what your business needs finally strive… the rest is patience.

    • Hellen on December 12, 2011 at 2:35 pm

      Great advice Syl, thanks for sharing.