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Hellen Buttigieg sitting on a bench and smiling

Simple Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life.

Overwhelmed by life’s complications? It seems we have more and more things in our lives, but less and less time to spend with them. Simplifying your life will save you time, money and energy. Try some of these ideas: 100 Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life For every item you bring into your home, take one…

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What’s Bugging You? Easy Solutions to Life’s Little Annoyances

Sometimes all it takes is a simple solution to solve an annoying problem – and improve our lives dramatically as a result. Take our dog Bo for instance. He’s an absolute joy to be around. But he’s getting up there in age – and has developed some quirky habits that are frustrating the heck out…

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The Alarming Cost of Clutter (and what you can do about it)

I often see people putting off hiring a professional organizer because they feel it’s too expensive. If you can relate, you are not alone. But if you calculate the real costs of clutter in your home or office, you’ll discover that it costs more to remain disorganized – much more. Consider this… Clutter costs you time: …

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Break Up with Your Stuff on Valentine’s Day

Did you know that most couples break up on or around Valentine’s day? Yes, it’s true. This sad statistic had me wondering what people do with gifts from their ex after the breakup. It didn’t take me long to discover there’s a museum that accepts these mementos from all over the world, and displays them…

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How Pruning Will Pay Off For You – In More Ways Than You Can Imagine.

  I walked by a big old tree as it was being pruned today, and it occurred to me that it’s like decluttering our homes. Just as pruning is essential to maintaining the health and beauty of the tree, decluttering is important to maintaining the beauty of a home and the health of the people…

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