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If you were a car, when would you say was the last time you had an oil change? Sadly, our bodies are not equipped with a warning light that comes on when there’s trouble. I was speaking with a coaching client today* and she told me that when I introduced the idea of self-care to her,…
Keep ReadingDo you feel like you’re always rushing around in a high state of anxiety? Are you usually at least 5 minutes late for appointments because you lose track of time? You are not alone. In an effort to be more productive, many busy people try to squeeze in just one more thing before they leave…
Keep ReadingLook closely at this picture and you’ll see that the flower is growing between the cracks of the sidewalk. What struck me, and prompted me to take the picture, was this flower’s will to survive, regardless of its circumstances. I thought, wow, if this flower can grow without soil, without being fed and watered, heck,…
Keep ReadingIn my last post, we talked about organizing a toy room. Now that you have put the time and energy into creating order in the playroom, you’ll want to make sure it stays that way. Here are my tried and true tricks to maintaining order in what could become the messiest room in the house if ignored. Have a…
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