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How to Find Your Purpose (And Get More Joy Out of Life)

What’s the biggest question you have about your life. For most people, it’s something along the lines of “what would make me happy?” Fulfillment comes from living our purpose, but how do we discover (or should I say uncover) what our purpose is? No one can tell you what your purpose is. However, the good…

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Relationship Rehab: How to Make Meaningful Connections

When I ask my coaching clients what would make them happier, they often say they yearn for deeper, more meaningful relationships. We are a society of shallow interactions: “How are you?” “I’m fine.” I don’t know about you, but I’m so over that. What would it take to elevate our relationships beyond the surface level?…

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How to Live Your Best Life – It’s All About Your Vibration

Do you ever notice that some people seem to lead a charmed life? Everything goes their way, they seem to be at the right place at the right time, and when they need to connect with someone, that person just shows up. On the other hand, some people seem to have the worst luck. Nothing…

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How Giving Your Room A Purpose Can Spark Joy

When our daughters went off to university, we downsized, as many people do. However, the smaller home we moved into had four bedrooms, because our two girls still needed a place to sleep when they came home over the summer break, and I needed an office to work from. Fast forward several years later, the…

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How To Help Your Elderly Parents Declutter

If you told me there was a book that could turn my beliefs about decluttering upside down, I would never have believed you. Until I read it. They Left Us Everything, by Plum Johnson, is so powerful that it shifted my perspective on decluttering. It’s the true story of adult children faced with the arduous…

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