
Hellen Buttigieg sitting on a bench and smiling

Simple Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life.

Overwhelmed by life’s complications? It seems we have more and more things in our lives, but less and less time to spend with them. Simplifying your life will save you time, money and energy. Try some of these ideas: 100 Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life For every item you bring into your home, take one…

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Increase your energy and well-being….and feel good about it.

If you were a car, when would you say was the last time you had an oil change?  Sadly, our bodies are not equipped with a warning light that comes on when there’s trouble. I was speaking with a coaching client today* and she told me that when I introduced the idea of self-care to her,…

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Hellen Buttigieg sitting on a bench and smiling

I’m Having A Bad Day!

Ever have one of those days? When I left the house to walk the dog this morning, I saw that my garbage bin had fallen over from the wind, and I had to pick up all the waste with one hand while juggling the leash and my travel mug of tea in the other. I’m…

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Hellen Buttigieg sitting on a bench and smiling

Live a better life by just being better to yourself.

We are a nation of doers. And yet, no matter how much we accomplish, we feel we are just not doing enough. If this resonates with you, you are not alone. When clients call me for time management coaching, they seem startled when I tell them I can’t help them do more, because I don’t…

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Success and the Dog Walker

There’s a dog walker in my neighborhood and every time I’m out for a walk with my dog, I see him with a different dog. (That’s how I figured out he was a dog walker!) He’s probably in his mid-forties, and must be shy because he walks with his head down and keeps to himself.…

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