How to be successful without struggling.

Do you think you have to struggle to succeed? If you believe you do, you’re right. If you believe you don’t, you’re right as well.

Here’s how the dictionary defines the word ‘struggle’: ‘to experience difficulty in making one’s way.’ What does it mean to struggle? It’s like trying to climb a slippery slope; with each step forward, you slide two steps back. Countless obstacles are put in your path. It’s difficult to make any progress. Success without struggle would be like taking an elevator to the top – being pulled up rather than trying to push so hard to climb up.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that we must struggle to achieve our goals. You can struggle to succeed, but struggling is highly overrated; I believe there’s a quicker, simpler way.

Taking action is very important, crucial in fact. But sometimes the best option is to wait; we may need more information or the timing is not right.

Many of us are planners (myself included). We need to know where we’re going, and when; we need to set goals and get things accomplished. But if I’ve learned anything in my journey so far, it’s that we can only plan to a certain point; we also need to be flexible. Yes, we need to have a clear vision of our desires, yet we also need to trust that the details of how to attain them will take care of themselves. It’s happened to me, it’s happened to many of my clients, and it can happen to you if you trust the process.

If you learn to listen to and act on your inner wisdom, you will be shown the way, little by little.  Never underestimate what you are capable of attracting. The key, however, is to eliminate any doubt and worry. Doubt and worry cause resistance, in effect, building a wall to keep good things out.

Please understand that I’m not suggesting we sit back, do nothing, and expect all our dreams to come true. It does require some effort, but it can feel effortless. First, we need to become clear on what we truly want, not what we think we should want. If I didn’t do that, I would be saying ‘open wide and say ahhh’ right now (yeah, I once believed I should become a dentist!). Next, we have to pay attention to information that comes to us ‘out of the blue’ and then act on it:  if someone comes to mind, call them; if a book is recommended more than twice, read
it; if you keep running into the same person, question what it may mean.

The more we follow the guidance, the faster it will come. We need to put ourselves out there and stretch outside our comfort zone, even if it feels scary sometimes. Maybe there’s something you’ve felt drawn to do but feel afraid. Go ahead, take the leap.

But if it feels like a struggle, if you feel you have to push and push, it’s probably not the right fit or the timing is off.  If you feel you are compromising your values, your health or your relationships or letting others influence your decisions, you may find yourself veering off course (I’ve been there too). It may be a struggle until you get back on track.

As difficult as it is for us, all we can do is let go of the need to control every outcome and learn to just swim with the current. Let go and let it flow. Then, instead of pushing ourselves so hard, we begin to pull things towards us, like the perfect people, opportunities and clients. When doors open smoothly with each step we take, when the pieces of the puzzle seem to fall into place easily, it’s a sign that we are on the right track. If something doesn’t work out, it’s because something better is coming.

There are several books I’ve read over the years that have inspired me to believe in success without struggle. I am a realist at heart, and I often take a ‘prove it to me attitude’; these books did just that. If you want to learn more, here are some amazing books to help you do that:

The Law of Attraction, Michael Losier

The Unmistakable Touch of Grace, Cheryl Richardson

The Power of Flow, Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom

The Power of Intention, Dr. Wayne Dyer

If you read only one of these books, it will shift your attitude. If you read them all, it will change your life.

So many great people have struggled through hardship to achieve success, and their stories have inspired me. We’ve all heard amazing rags to riches stories. I often felt that I couldn’t inspire anyone with what seems like such a charmed life. But I think it’s important to share what I have discovered over the course of my life. The secret is simply to do only what feels right and just trust. If you put in some effort and believe in your natural talents, doors will open for you to express them. If you pay attention to guidance along the way, and trust your inner wisdom, life doesn’t have to be difficult; you can achieve success without struggle.



  1. Bettina Goodwin on September 29, 2011 at 11:00 am

    Love it! Great blog Hellen.

  2. Fi on October 2, 2011 at 8:24 pm

    Dear Hellen,

    What an amazing article! My best friend Dee and I are going through turbulent times. We are both going through struggles in our lives. We are always looking for ways to deal with the difficulties that life will throw at you. Your article was bang on. I forwarded it to my friend and she marvelled at the timing of it. On behalf of Dee, thank you for your amazing insight and for sharing your knowledge with your readers.



  3. Syl on October 5, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Once again thank you Hellen.
    As usual I finish reading your newsletter feeling inspired.

    All you have said in this article I truly believe and use… and though yes I have read it or heard it before… somehow the way you put it all together was perfect.

    Though concise it was clear and every sentence contained many ideas of how to make it work. Plus adding the “must read list” was a great add on for anyone wanting more. Great job! thank you. Sylvie