How to Manifest Money in Your Sleep

What if I told you that the only thing standing in the way of you enjoying a rich life is your thoughts? And because you are not your thoughts, thoughts can be changed, sometimes in just a few minutes.

Shift Your Thinking: The Millionaire Mindset

The only difference between the super rich and the poor is mindset. Those who struggle financially tend to focus on lack and scarcity; the rich focus on abundance. The rich see opportunities whereas the poor live in fear and are constantly running from lack. It comes down to our subconscious beliefs. If you’re continually worried about losing money, you will treat it differently and it will treat you differently. Which is why 70% of poor people who come into money lose most of it in a short time.

Are Your Beliefs Sabotaging Financial Success?

Are your unconscious beliefs creating a wall blocking money from flowing freely into your life?

Do your beliefs around money sound anything like this?

  • money is the root of all evil
  • money is hard to come by
  • I don’t deserve wealth
  • money makes people arrogant
  • rich people are greedy crooks

If you hate rich people, how are you going to become one of them?

Do you believe money is finite – meaning if you make a lot, there will be less for others, or vice versa? The truth is that there is enough wealth for everyone.

You Are Already Rich: Practice Gratitude

Becoming rich on the outside begins with becoming rich on the inside. Consumerism often leads us to focus on what we don’t have – we compare ourselves to the Kardashians or top social media influencers. The key to creating a millionaire mindset is to focus on what you do have, because you are already rich: perhaps it’s your health, your relationships, a hearty meal, ample clean drinking water, a comfortable place to live, etc. Gratitude aligns your energy with abundance and helps attract more wealth. This is something you can do consciously.

Align Subconscious Desires With Conscious Goals

Now here’s the part that makes the biggest impact – reprogramming your subconscious mind to align your thoughts and energy towards abundance. Even if you consciously want more money, if your subconscious mind is holding onto limiting beliefs, it can sabotage your efforts. And this is why the best way to manifest money is while you sleep.

‘Manifest Money While You Sleep’ Exercise

Before drifting off to sleep, when you subconscious mind is most susceptible to suggestions, visualize yourself achieving financial success. Be specific – how do you see money coming? Is it numbers on your bank statement going up, champagne popping, notifications dinging on your phone with new clients – however money comes to you, visualize it. See it. Hear it. Feel how it changes your life.

Then imagine it growing by 10%. And another 10%. And keep going up. This sends a powerful message to the subconscious that you are not limited to what it thinks you deserve. You actually increase the ‘money ceiling’ or ‘income cap’ that you may have set unconsciously (and has been sabotaging you). What’s important here is that you feel what it feels like, activate the emotions deeply.

Repeat this process every night, as consistent focus and positive energy toward your financial goal will help you manifest it more effectively.

Hypnosis Accelerates Mindset Shifts

An even faster way to rewire you limiting beliefs around money while you sleep is through hypnosis (although you are not really asleep, just in a trance state that looks like sleep).

Through hypnosis, you can gain direct access to your subconscious and replace negative beliefs with empowering beliefs like:

  • I am worthy of abundance
  • Money flows to me easily and frequently
  • I am attracting financial abundance effortlessly
  • I live in an abundant universe
  • All my needs are abundantly supplied
  • Everything I do prospers

When you’re in a hypnotic state, your mind is more receptive to suggestions, so you can reinforce beliefs and habits that attract wealth.

By working on a deep, subconscious level, you can change how you think and feel about money, setting the stage for opportunities and ideas that can bring wealth into your life.

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